Replacing Recline Mechanism - Deluxe Models
How to Replace the Recline Mechanism a Deluxe Model
Unscrew the bolt in the front of the recline mechanism cover.
And then do the same for the bolt in the back of it.
Remove the recline mechanism cover.
Using two hex wrenches, unscrew the bolts that hold the recline mechanism frame part to the back support and then the again using two hex wrenches unscrew the bolts that hold it to the lower part of the frame.
Do this on both sides.
Even if you’re replacing just one side, you will need to unscrew both sides.
Pull the top up and rest it on the seat.
Push the recline clamps together to release the pins from the recline mechanism frame part, and remove them.
Put the new recline mechanism frame parts on to the lower part of the frame, and fasten the lower set of bolts on both sides.
Take the back support section of the frame and insert it into the recline mechanism frame parts.
Push the recline clamps together to insert the pins into the recline mechanism frame part.
Next, fasten the top bolts that hold the recline mechanism frame part to the back support.
Lastly, put the recline mechanism covers back in place, and fasten the bolt in the front and the back to secure them.