It's Simple! We created helpful videos showing the process of Unboxing an EZ Lite Cruiser:
Frequently Asked Questions
Or Browse Frequently Asked Questions Below...
Usage & Functionality
How Do I Set Up My EZ Lite Cruiser?
It's Quick & EZ! We've made helpful videos to show you what needs to be done to set up the different models.
How do I Fold & Unfold the EZ Lite Cruiser?
Very simple -- We created helpful videos showing the process of folding & unfolding of the EZ Lite Cruiser:
Can the Joystick be mounted for Left arm usage?
Yes! The joystick can be set on either the right or left side.
When ordering a Deluxe Model, we will ask you to specify the side the joystick to be set on as it is required. With the Standard Model, it is set during setup of the chair (once you've received it), you can easily set the side by yourself.
These video shows you how to change the side of the Joystick: Deluxe Model, or Standard Model
Can the Joystick be used by a caregiver?
Yes! You can use our Caregiver Joystick Mount accessory.
For safety, we do recommend that the caregiver that will be driving the chair gets a substantial amount of practice driving without the rider on the chair first. Only when the caregiver has demonstrated the capabilities to driving the chair safely on behalf of the rider, should this accessory be used.
Can the Arm Rests be Raised?
Yes! both the left and right Arm Rests can be raised for easy access side entry/exit.
We created helpful videos showing the process of raising & lowering the arm rests:
Does the Foot Rest move out of the way?
Yes! the Foot Rest can be swiveled up, and out of the way, to allow the feet closer to the seating area.
We created helpful videos to demonstrate how the foot rest works:
Can the Seat (and Cover) be removed?
Yes! The seat is attached with Velcro and can be easily removed.
We created helpful videos showing the process of removing the seat cushion:
See How to Remove the Seat Cushion on a Standard Model
See How to Remove the Seat Cushion on the Deluxe Models
The seat cover can be removed (it has a zipper) so you can wash the seat cover!
Can I use a Custom Seat Cushion?
Yes! Since the seat is attached with Velcro and can be easily removed, you can replace it with a seat that is more to your liking.
While we do not sell any other variety than replacements of the original cushions, there are third party companies that manufacture custom made seats. As long as the seat you purchase conforms to the existing size (length, width, and height) of the seating area, you may be able to replace the existing one with one that is more suited for your needs.
As the third party seat cushion is not too thick, it will not impact the fold-ability of the chair. If you do choose to put an additional cushion on the chair, or use a thicker seat, you may need to remove it for folding.
Can it be used in a Manual (Push) Mode?
Yes! When the electromagnetic locks on the motors in the rear of the chair are disengaged, and the power is turned off, you can push the chair around in a manual mode.
You can use this mode for a variety of reasons, such as to push the rider in case of a loss of power, or you simply need to re-position the chair for transfer.
We created helpful videos showing how to use it in a manual mode:
Can it be rolled when folded?
Yes! You can roll any EZ Lite Cruiser model when it is folded.
We created helpful videos showing how to roll it when it is folded:
Is the Back Rest adjustable?
All of the Deluxe Models have a Patented 5 Point Recline. See how to recline the Deluxe Models without a Rider in the Seat, or with a Rider in the Seat
The Standard Model has a slight angle built in to the back support, but it is not adjustable.
Do the Arm Rests raise up?
Yes! The Arm Rests on all of our models raise up to clear the side area for entry to / exit from the side.
We created helpful videos showing the process of Raising the Arm Rests:
Can I enter & exit the seating area from the side?
Yes! Because the arm rests can be raised, you can gain entry into the seat from the side.
We created helpful videos showing how to Enter & Exit the seating area from the side:
See How to Enter & Exit the Seating Area from the Side on the Standard Model
See How to Enter & Exit the Seating Area from the Side on the Deluxe Models
Is the height / position of the Arm Rests adjustable?
The height & position of the Arm Rests is adjustable on Deluxe Models (2017 and newer.)
We created a helpful video showing the process of Adjusting the Height of the Arm Rests:
See How to Adjust the Height of the Arm Rests on the Deluxe Models
Unfortunately, the height & position on the Standard Model is not adjustable.
How do I use the Basic Seat Belt
We've made helpful videos showing how to install the Basic Seat Belt that is included with each EZ Lite Cruiser Model:
See How to Install the Basic Seat Belt on the Standard Model
See How to Install the Basic Seat Belt on the Deluxe Models
*** Note: the video above is the Full Setup Video for the Deluxe Models, and you can skip to the near end of the video to see how to attach the Basic Seat Belt.
Can I Disconnect the Joystick Easily?
Yes! Every model comes with a Joystick that is easy to disconnect. Here's a video that shows how to quickly disconnect and reconnect the Joystick:
See How to Disconnect and Reconnect the Joystick
*** Please Note: older production models (mid 2016 and prior) may not have this feature, but can be retroactively upgraded to have feature by replacing the wiring.
Is the EZ Lite Cruiser waterproof?
Not exactly! In order to be considered 'waterproof', the electronics need to be tested under controlled laboratory conditions and obtain a rating of IP67 under IEC standard 60529.
The EZ Lite Cruiser electronics are rated to IPX4, meaning they are protected against water spilled at them from all directions, however, limited ingress is permitted.
Prolonged usage in any precipitation will eventually cause water to seep into the electrical system and cause a short circuit.
If a company is claiming their product is waterproof, you should ask for proof, specifically the IEC 60529 testing report certifying it is waterproof. If there is no report furnished to back up the claim, in all likelihood, it is not true. Seeing a device used in rain is essentially indicating it is rated IPX4 and can withstand water spilled at it from all directions. It does not mean it is waterproof. Some companies use the term "weatherproof", which again, indicates ambiguously that, at best, it is rated IPX4.
So... Is the EZ Lite Cruiser "weatherproof"? Yes.
We do also offer two types of protection to help use the EZ Lite Cruiser in any sort of precipitation --
1. One is the Joystick Cover accessory. This accessory will protect the most sensitive and exposed electronic component, the Joystick, while allowing you to see your hand using it.
2. The other product is a Poncho accessory. This will protect you the rider, the upholstery (cushions/covers), the CPU (on-board computer), and the battery compartment from getting soaked.
Wet and soggy cushions are not fun to sit on. ;)
Please note, however, even with these protections, and prolonged usage, there is always still a possibility that water can get into the electrical system and cause a short circuit. Use it in the rain at your own risk.
Can I Use the EZ Lite Cruiser in the rain?
Yes, You can use the EZ Lite Cruiser in the rain!
The EZ Lite Cruiser electronics are rated to IPX4, meaning they are protected against water spilled at them from all directions, for a limited time.
Do note that prolonged usage in any, and especially heavy, precipitation may eventually cause water to seep into the electrical system and cause a short circuit.
We do offer two types of protection to help use the EZ Lite Cruiser in any sort of precipitation --
1. One product is a See Through Cover for the Joystick. This product will protect the most sensitive and exposed electronic component of the EZ Lite Cruiser.
Click Here to view the See Through Joystick Cover accessory.
2. The other product is a Poncho, which will protect you the rider, the upholstery (cushions/covers), the CPU (on-board computer), and the battery/batteries in the undercarriage from getting soaked.
Click Here to view the Poncho accessory.
Wet and soggy cushions are not fun to sit on. ;)
Can I use the EZ Lite Cruiser in the snow?
It would not be safe. The devices are lightweight and due to that fact, they do not have the same level of traction that heavier power chairs and scooters may have. If you drive on a slippery surface, you may experience loss of traction.
Can you help me understand the Battery Level display?
Absolutely! The battery level indicator is on the right side of the joystick panel, with the multicolored lights. You will see either:
3 green, 3 yellow and 1 red light [on 5 button joysticks], or
2 green, 2 yellow and 1 red light [on 4 button joysticks]
As you use power, each individual LED light will turn off.
Please note the battery level indicator is not a linear scale.
The green section represents 90%+ of the charge, and you should always try to operate the device within this level.
The yellow section means you are at a critical low battery level with less than 10% charge remaining! The device could lose power at moments notice, especially if there is an increase in speed, bumps or rougher surfaces being driven on, or anything that makes the motors work harder and draw more power from the battery.
We recommend charging the battery frequently to prevent unexpected power loss.
Please refer to the user manual of your exact model for more information.
What kind of Temperature can the Battery, Electronics & Motors withstand?
The recommended operating temperatures for the Battery is:
0 degrees to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (-17 degrees to 32 degrees Celsius)
Do Not Store the Battery in Direct Sunlight! Storing the Battery in the trunk of a car is fine, even on a relatively hot day.
The recommended operating temperatures for the On-Board Electronics and Motors is:
-49 degrees to 150 degrees Fahrenheit (-45 degrees to 65 degrees Celsius)
Are there any tips for driving over a threshold?
The EZ Lite Cruiser is made to safely handle a threshold of 1.25 inches in height. Anything beyond that, while it may be possible, is not recommended and is not safe. Please take thresholds of no more than 1.25 inches in height, and take them with care.
If you're experiencing any trouble taking a threshold, ask your self these questions:
1 - How tall is the threshold? If it is above 1.25 inches, it is not recommended. Anything 1.25 inches and less, you simply just need to get the EZ Lite Cruiser up to an adequate speed to overcome the threshold. You may not be able to go over taller thresholds from standing. It is best to get some speed first.
2 - What speed level are you driving it at? Keep in mind, the lower the speed you're driving at, the less power the rear wheels are getting. So if you're at a level "1" speed setting, try it at a level "2" or "3".
3 - Are you getting enough momentum? In physics, momentum is mass times velocity. The higher your (weight) mass and the heigher the speed, the more momentum you have. Obviously, you can not change your mass (easily.) So change your speed to help gain more momentum to cross over the threshold. If you're trying to go at it from a stopped position, relatively close to the threshold, you may not have enough momentum and speed to get over it. Try getting up to a good speed to go over it, and with enough momentum and adequate power going to the rear wheels, you should get over the threshold just fine.
We urge you to be safe when trying to cross thresholds and never drive over any threshold that is greater than 1.25 inches in height, as that will not be safe. Please always exercise the utmost caution. This is a serious warning! Thank you & happy driving!
*** Please also note: if you have thresholds in your home that are beyond this height, we recommend making your home as wheelchair accessible as possible. You can install transition strips, or threshold cover strips. This will allow you to take thresholds with ease and the safety, as you will not face abrupt bumps when going over the thresholds. The more bumpy your ride, the more wear you are putting on the front wheel bearings of your EZ Lite Cruiser. This will wear out the bearings in the front wheels quicker, and require you to replace them more often. If you make your home more wheelchair accessible, you will enjoy driving your EZ Lite Cruiser more and more.
I need to use a ramp, can you help me understand the incline ability
Sure! We recommend inclines that are ADA rated (6-8%) and at a maximum a 20% slope for safety. Use our Incline Ability Chart to determine how much length of a ramp you will need to get up a certain height (rise) at a safe slope.
Can you recommend a third party to help with unboxing & setup?
Sure, we can recommend using a service such as which offers on-demand helpers, such as a general handy man, that can assist with unboxing and setup of your EZ Lite Cruiser.
Provide your information, as well as some details about the job (a link to our setup video), and they can find a handyman in your area to perform the work, if one is available.
Can the EZ Lite Cruiser be used in a moving vehicle?
Our products have not been tested to WC-19 or ISO 7176-19 compliance for use unfolded inside of a moving vehicle.
Which EZ Lite Cruiser Model is Right For Me?
We essentially have two frame styles to choose from:
Standard Model -- a more compact less feature rich portable power chair.
Deluxe Models -- a range of more adjustable and feature rich portable power chairs.
The Standard Model is ideal where your primary focus is simply the very compact size and very basic usage. It is better suited for indoors due to its smaller size. But it handles outdoor areas that are well paved and smooth, such as those you would find at shopping centers, commercial buildings and well maintained sidewalks.
The Deluxe Models are more ideal when you want added comfort along with more features and options for use in a wider range of activities and outdoor areas. The Deluxe Models come in 3 widths -- Slim, Regular or Wide, and each of those are available with different sized front & rear wheels -- 8", 10" or 12". The larger wheels perform better in rougher outdoor paths while the smaller wheels provide the added comfort of the Deluxe frame for more indoor use if that is your intended use. The 12" wheels are our best sellers, as folks typically use them for more outdoor use. Plus, there are many adjustments to the foot rest and arm rest that can be made, along with optional features, to make the device very comfortable to use.
Not sure which model is right for you? Take a simple 8 question quiz and we'll give you our recommendation.
With health & safety in mind, if there is any doubt, question or hesitancy whether any EZ Lite Cruiser would be right for your particular needs, we recommend you discuss it with your primary care physician.
I have a disability, is the EZ Lite Cruiser right for me?
The EZ Lite Cruiser is a motor driven, indoor and outdoor transportation vehicle. The intended use is to provide mobility to a disabled or elderly person limited to a seated position. Our products may not be appropriate for users with certain disabilities, as they are limited in the support they can provide such users. Before use, we recommend discussing your specific needs with your primary care physician.
What is included with my purchase of an EZ Lite Cruiser
With your purchase of an EZ Lite Cruiser, you will receive everything you need to use the device:
A Joystick, the Battery (your choice of 10 Ah or 15 Ah size), a Wall Charger to recharge the battery, a Basic Toolkit for help with setup, a Basic Seat Belt, and a User Manual.
Do you accept credit and debit cards for payment?
Yes, we accept all major credit and debit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express & Discover. We also accept International credit card for our International customers.
The Credit or Debit Card I am using is being declined, why?
Sorry to hear you are having difficulty completing your purchase. Even though you may have sufficient funds available on your Credit Card or in your bank account (in the case of a Debit Card), occasionally, a bank may decline a charge because of the high value or amount that is being attempted.
If you're sure you have sufficient funds and have entered in all of your information correct but are still having trouble, please contact your bank and discuss the matter with them. They will unblock your account on their end so you can finish placing your order.
Once you've resolved the issue with your credit card company, you can visit our website anytime, and your Shopping Cart contents will still be there when you return. You may also call us to complete your order by phone.
Can I place an order by Mail?
Yes! To order by Mail, simply Download an Order Form, print it, fill out your order and payment information, and Mail it to:
EZ Lite Cruiser
11901 Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 481
Los Angeles, CA 90025
You can make payment by Personal Check, Cashiers Check, Money Order or Credit Card.
If ordering any of our personal mobility aids, shipping is Free within the United States. For International Orders, please add $499.95 USD for shipping to Canada, or $699.95 for shipping to one of the many countries we ship to.
If order just parts or accessories, please get the correct shipping rate by creating a shopping cart and proceeding to checkout to see the shipping costs needed. Your order will not be fulfilled if payment for shipping & handling is not added.
We will contact you once we've received your mail order, and will begin processing it as soon as possible. Please note, ordering by mail is generally slower than ordering by phone or online using a debit or credit card.
Can I pay by Personal Check or Cashiers Check?
Yes! We accept payment by Personal Check or Cashiers Check. To order by Mail, please call us at 888-544-6054 and one of our helpful customer service representatives will create an invoice for you, based on the items you wish to order. You can then reference your invoice number, and send payment to:
EZ Lite Cruiser
11901 Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 481
Los Angeles, CA 90025
You can make payment by Personal Check, Cashiers Check, Money Order.
Can I pay by Check by Phone?
Yes! We can process a payment directly from your personal checking or savings account.
Please have your order information ready (what you would like to order) and have your Bank's Routing number and your Bank Account number ready.
When you are ready to place the order, please Contact Us at 888-544-6054, between 9 AM and 4:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.
Please note, electronic checks by phone can take between 4-5 business days to clear, and will need to clear before we can ship your order.
Will I need to pay Sales Tax?
No! Because the EZ Lite Cruiser is a medical device, sales tax will not be charged on your purchase.
What currency are your prices listed in?
Our prices are generally all listed in US Dollars (USD $), as we are a US Based business. However, our website visitors from Canada may see the prices in Canadian Dollars (noted with CAD $).
Do you offer Financing or Payment Plans?
Yes! You can get Financing through ShopPay and split your payments into 4 or 12 convenient payments.
Simply select the product(s) you're interested in, adding them to your shopping cart, and when you go to Checkout, select ShopPay as your form of payment. Then follow the steps to select the financing option that is right for your budget.
What is your cancellation, refund and return policy?
Please read about cancellations, refunds and returns in our posted returns policy:
Summary of each:
1 - Cancellations - if you place an order, and cancel before it ships, we will charge you a 3% fee for credit card processing costs which we cannot recoup.
2 - Refunds - if you are due a refund, it will be processed to the original payment method used to placing your order. For example, if you order by card, it will be refunded to the card used to make the payment. If you order by Paypal, it will be refunded through Paypal, etc.
3 - Returns - items can be returned up to 60 days. Depending on what you order, how long you keep it, and how you use it will determine whether you are responsible for return shipping costs, a restocking fee, or whether or not it is returnable at all.
Please read about cancellations, refunds and returns in our posted returns policy:
Can I purchase additional batteries, chargers & accessories?
Yes! Additional items such as spare batteries and chargers, and accessories can be purchased.
Where can I get parts for my EZ Lite Cruiser?
You can Get Parts for the EZ Lite Cruiser here.
Please note, when browsing our parts, certain items are listed together. For example, if you need parts for your Joystick, they are all listed on the Joystick part page. Or if you need parts for your Arm Rest, they are all listed on the Arm Rest part page.
Having trouble identifying a part for your EZ Lite Cruiser?
See a Parts Diagram of the EZ Lite Cruiser Deluxe Models
See a Parts Diagram of the EZ Lite Cruiser Standard Model
If you don't see a part that you need listed, simply Contact Us and we can assist you further. Please note, we will need to identify the device ID number of your EZ Lite Cruiser in order to get you the correct parts.
I have a different power chair, will your parts & accessories work with it?
Our Parts and Accessories are only sold to customers who own our EZ Lite Cruiser personal mobility aids. They may or may not work on your other power chair, but regardless, we can not sell them to you unless you own one of our mobility aids.
At the time of ordering, if our system does not match your information to an EZ Lite Cruiser we sold you, then you will be required to verify ownership of an EZ Lite Cruiser when buying parts and accessories. The order will not ship unless you've verified your ownership, when asked.
Shipping & Delivery
How much does Shipping Cost?
On the purchase of any EZ Lite Cruiser personal mobility aid:
Shipping to Anywhere In the United States (including Hawaii, Alaska) is FREE. For shipping purposes, logistics companies consider Puerto Rico, Guam and other US Minor Outlying Islands as an international shipping destination, so International Shipping costs (detailed below) would be charged.
Shipping to Anywhere In Canada is $499.95. Please note you will be required to pay a customs brokerage fee for importing the goods. This fee is not included in your purchase price and will be paid directly to the shipping company we use, prior to delivery. Please see the Frequently Asked Question: "Will I need to pay Customs Duties or Import Tax (VAT) or Customs Brokerage fees on my purchase with International Delivery?"
Shipping to Many Countries Around the World is a flat rate of $699.95 USD. Please Click Here to See If We Ship to Your Country.
When shipping internationally, please note you will also be required to pay local customs fees directly to the shipping company we use, prior to delivery. Please see the Frequently Asked Question: "Will I need to pay Customs Duties or Import Tax (VAT) or Customs Brokerage fees on my purchase with International Delivery?"
On the purchase of any EZ Lite Cruiser accessories or parts:
Shipping will be calculated automatically at checkout (online) or over the phone. Expedited shipping options are only available for pre-owned (used models) and parts or accessories ordered by phone.
How long will it take for my order to ship and to arrive?
Typically, your will ship with 1 business days from when you place your order for processing, preparation and fulfillment of the order.
For customers in the United States:
It can take 1-5 business days for your order to arrive once it is shipped, depending on your location. All items ship from the Los Angeles area. East coast shipments take 4-5 days in transit. Midwest and southern US shipments take 3-4 days. West coast shipments take 1-2 business days. Pacific Northwest take 2-3 business days.
So the total time for United States customers could be between 3-7 business days from the day you place your order. Saturday & Sunday do not count as business days.
For International customers outside of the United States:
It can take between 7-10 business days to arrive, from the date your order is shipped, depending on location and customs/importation delays, and other factors.
Due to the popularity of the EZ Lite Cruiser personal mobility aids, and production lead times, the time it takes for delivery of new inventory, there may be unforeseen delays in shipping your order, but this is not typical. We aim to process & fulfill your order as quickly as possible, so you may receive your shipping information sooner than noted above.
Expedited shipping options are available at an additional cost. Please call or text us for a quote on expedited shipping.
What happens if something is missing from my order or it arrives damaged?
Please let us know within 48 hours from taking delivery of your order, if there is anything missing or damaged in your order, so we can investigate and if necessary offer a replacement. We may ask you to search the packaging that your order arrived in to double check. Your order may arrive with a lot of items, and sometimes things get misplaced!
Any damage that is reported after 48 hours is deemed to have been caused during usage and it will be the users responsibility. The warranty does not cover any damage caused by the user, it only covers parts that fail under normal usage.
If any item is returned damaged, it will be deducted from any refund due.
What is the Size and Weight of the shipping container?
The box sizes that fit the actual power chair device are as follows:
Standard Model
Shipping weight: 60 Pounds
Box dimensions: 26" x 14" x 30"
Deluxe Models
Shipping weight: 82 Pounds
Box dimensions: 27" x 16" x 33"
If your Battery, Charger and Accessories ship separately, box sizes can range from 8" x 8" x 8" and up to 16 x 10 x 12 inches, or more depending on your order contents. Shipments could be split into two or more parcels.
Which Countries do you Ship to?
We CAN ship our products to the following countries:
Australia, Austria
Canada, China, Czech Republic
Finland, France
Germany, Greece
Hong Kong
Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy
Malaysia, Mexico
Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norway
Poland, Portugal
South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
United Kingdom, United States of America, United States Minor Outlying Islands
Vietnam, Virgin Islands, British
We CANNOT ship our products to the following countries:
Afghanistan, Aland Islands, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua And Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Curaçao, Cyprus, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Faroe Islands, Fiji, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guernsey, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands, Holy See (Vatican City State), Honduras, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Isle Of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Liechtenstein, Macao, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island, Pakistan, Palestinian Territory, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Pitcairn, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts And Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Pierre And Miquelon, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome And Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Sint Maarten, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, St. Vincent, Sudan, Suriname, Svalbard And Jan Mayen, Swaziland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor Leste, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Wallis And Futuna, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Will I need to pay Customs Duties, Fees or Import Tax (VAT) for International Orders?
If you are ordering the EZ Lite Cruiser to any country outside of the United States, and depending on the country where the order is being shipped, you may need to pay Customs Duties, VAT, or other local taxes on your importation of the goods.
You will be responsible for paying these taxes and they may need to be pre-paid to the shipping company handling the delivery prior to the package is released to you.
The shipping company will contact you to arrange payment, so please ensure that you provide a telephone number where you can be reached easily, so as to not delay your delivery.
Battery & Charging
How do I plug in the battery & charge it?
We created a helpful video for connecting (plugging in) the battery, and charging it:
Please note, different chargers may have one or more lights to indicate what is happening -- i.e. whether a battery is charging or charging has stopped, or battery has been disconnected, etc.
Using the REGULAR Charger:
1 - Plug into outlet, LED will be GREEN.
2 - Plug into joystick I/O port.
3 - LED will turn RED to indicate charging.
4 - LED will turn GREEN when completed.
Using the SPEEDY Charger:
1 - Plug into outlet, LED1 will be RED, indicating it is getting power from wall. LED2 will be GREEN.
2 - Plug into joystick I/O port.
3 - LED2 will turn RED to indicate charging.
4 - LED2 will turn GREEN when completed.
We recommend charging your battery regularly. It is safe to leave the charger plugged in even after the battery has finished charging. The battery pack is equipped with a Battery Management System will prevent any overcharging from happening, and will turn off the flow of current to the battery cells once a full charge is indicated.
You can charge the battery any time, no matter how much charge is remaining in the battery.
How long does it take to charge the battery?
The time needed to recharge your battery ultimately depends on your battery size, the charger you are using, and how much charge is still remaining in your battery.
Assuming the battery is EMPTY, you can expect:
10 Ah Battery
- With REGULAR Charger (24V 2A) = 5 hours
- With SPEEDY Charger (24V 5A) = 2 hours
- With CAR Charger (24V 1A) = 10 hours
15 Ah Battery
- With REGULAR Charger (24V 2A) = 7.5 hours
- With SPEEDY Charger (24V 5A) = 3 hours
- With CAR Charger (24V 1A) = 15 hours
Are there any precautions with charging the battery?
With the basic method of charging, while the battery is connected to the power input of the EZ Lite Cruiser, you can connect the charger (Regular or Speedy) into the "front" of the joystick. This method is called On-Board Charging.
When charging by this method, please make sure to POWER OFF the EZ Lite Cruiser when charging the battery.
If you attempt to charge the battery with the power on, it will not charge the battery. When the chair is powered on, the fault indicator on your joystick will indicate that the charger is plugged in and you will not be able to drive the chair. It will also not be charging the battery in this state. You MUST ensure that the joystick is powered off for charging.
As an alternative way to charge the battery, you can also plug the round plug of the charger into the round (XLR) plug on the battery. This is called Off-Board Charging. Doing this, you are bypassing the chairs electrical system, and simply connecting the charger right to the battery.
Can I charge the battery overseas where the Voltage is different?
Yes! You can use the EZ Lite Cruiser overseas. We supply the Charger for your EZ Lite Cruiser with a North American style wall socket connector. The charger on the EZ Lite Cruiser operates between AC 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz. Most of the world operates within this range.
Click Here for a Guide to Wall Outlet Plugs and Voltages Across the World
Depending on the country you are in, you may need a socket adapter, such as our EZ International Travel Adapter to change the socket plug so they fit properly into the wall outlet of the country you're in. In certain countries, you may want to use a Surge Protector/Power Strip to prevent a voltage spike outside of the acceptable level for the Charger.
You may already own the Plug Adapter if you use other appliances made for North American wall outlets in other countries. They come in different shapes and sizes, but accomplish the same goal of changing the wall outlet plug of the Charger.
Should the charger be plugged into the wall outlet first?
What Are the Technical Specifications of the Battery Packs?
The current battery packs we are using are:
Chemistry: Lithium Ion
Capacity: 10 Ah or 15 Ah
Voltage: 24 V DC
Older battery packs may be a Lithium Phosphate or Lithium Polymer. If you have any questions or are unsure of what your battery is, please Contact Us.
Can I Connect Two Batteries of Together?
Yes, You can connect two batteries of the SAME capacity together, with the Dual Battery Connector. For example, you can connect:
Two 10 Ah Batteries together with the Dual Battery Connector
Two 15 Ah Batteries together with the Dual Battery Connector
You CAN NOT connect:
One 10 Ah Battery and a 15 Ah Battery together with the Dual Battery Connector.
How Many Batteries can fit on the EZ Lite Cruiser?
Every model can accommodate up to two (2) of either capacity battery, the 10 Ah or 15 Ah size in the battery storage compartment under the seat.
Capacities can be intermixed, i.e. you can carry one (1) 10 Ah and one (1) 15 Ah. However, they can not be connected in parallel with the Dual Battery Connector accessory. The batteries need to be the same capacity to be able to connect together. If you wish to have one 10 Ah and one 15 Ah capacity battery, you can carry both and manually switch between them as you see fit.
Do You Have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and Other Battery Certifications Available?
Yes! We have the following documents available for our customers:
- UN 38.3 Test Report
- Material Safety Data Sheet
- Air Cargo Safe Transport Certificate
- Sea Cargo Safe Transport Certificate
- Rail (Train) Cargo Safe Transport Certificate
- Road Cargo Safe Transport Certificate
Please Contact Us and let us know which documentation you require.
Note: these documents are only available to customers and registered owners of one of our models.
Are there Instructions for Installing Accessories?
Air Travel
Can I travel on an Airplane with the EZ Lite Cruiser?
Yes! You will need to check the EZ Lite Cruiser in when boarding, to store it in the airplanes baggage compartment. You will NOT be able to check it in with the Lithium Ion battery connected. You must disconnect the battery, store it in the black travel pouch that comes with your EZ Lite Cruiser, and bring it with you in your Carry On bag.
The restrictions for lithium ion batteries on an airplane can be found at:
The EZ Lite Cruiser 10 Ah Battery is 240 Watt Hours, and contains 19.2 grams of ELC (Effective Lithium Content) and meets the regulations set forth by the FAA.
Please do note some airlines require that the connectors on both the chair and the battery are taped with electrical tape to ensure the battery terminals are protected from short circuits.
If you have questions about a SPECIFIC AIRLINE, Please browse our list of airlines, or type the name of the airline in the search function at the top of this page. If you don't see your airline listed, please Contact Us and we'll be glad to help find the policy for the airline.
The Airline I will be flying with is asking for some details about the EZ Lite Cruiser, can you help?
Can you offer some travel tips when flying on an airplane?
1 - With the Deluxe Models, Remove the anti-tipping wheels and plastic extending tube/sleeve of the kickstand, prior to giving the chair to the baggage handlers (right at the gate) and store them in the zippered pouch under the seat. With a Standard Model, this does not apply.
2 - Remove the joystick, and, if you have a Deluxe Model, wrap it in bubble wrap and tuck it away between the seat cushion and back support cushion, or take it with you on-board. If you have a Standard Model, wrap it in bubble wrap and store it in the zippered pouch under the seat, or again, take it with you on-board.
3 - If you have a Deluxe Model, use the bungie cord that came with the chair to secure it tightly together so it doesn't unfold when the baggage handler takes it away. With a Standard Model, this does not apply.
4 - You may choose to use the Travel Bag if you have it. Wrap the chair up at the gate in your Travel Bag. If you do not have one, you can also use some bungee cords or straps around vertically and horizontally to keep the chair together tightly and prevent it from unfolding.
5 - When you retrieve the chair at your destination, have an airline representative there with you as you examine the chair for any damage. If there is any damage, make sure to file a claim right away and tell them anything that is wrong. They will take care of any issues that may arise, replacing parts as needed and hiring a technician to do the work to repair it.
6 - You will also have to unplug and remove the battery from the chair and take that on board with you in your carry on.
Sea Cruises
Can I travel on a Boat or Ship with the EZ Lite Cruiser?
Yes! Most sea cruises and boats are wheelchair accessible. They generally follow the same rules as set forth by the FAA for air travel, in terms of battery requirements.
The restrictions for lithium ion batteries on an airplane can be found at:
The EZ Lite Cruiser 10 Ah Battery is 240 Watt Hours, and contains 19.2 grams of ELC (Effective Lithium Content) and meets the regulations set forth by the FAA.
If you have questions about a SPECIFIC CRUISE LINE, Please browse our list of cruise line operators, or type the name of the airline in the search function at the top of this page. If you don't see a cruise line listed, please Contact Us and we'll be glad to help find the policy for the cruise line, if available.
The Cruise Line I will be sailing with is asking for some details about the EZ Lite Cruiser, can you help?
Yes! Please Contact Us, preferably by e-mail, with the name of the airline, and their specific questions (if any) and one of our helpful Customer Service Specialists will get back to you as soon as possible.
Insurance & Medicare
Will Medicare cover the purchase of an EZ Lite Cruiser?
Medicare only covers DME if you get it from a supplier enrolled in Medicare. Unfortunately, at this time we are not enrolled in Medicare's Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program, and we do not bill any health insurance plans directly.
If you’re in a Medicare Advantage Plan (commonly referred to as a Supplemental Plan) and you need DME, call your Medicare Advantage Plan’s primary care provider to find out if your plan will provide the DME. If your Medicare Advantage Plan won’t cover a DME item or service that you believe you need, you can appeal your Medicare Advantage Plan’s denial of coverage and get an independent review of your request for coverage. You can also find a description of your Medicare Advantage Plan cost-sharing obligation for all Medicare covered services, including supplemental benefits offered by your Medicare Advantage Plan, in its “Evidence of Coverage” document.
Call the phone number on your Medicare Advantage Plan card and ask about DME coverage options. They can tell you how to potentially get care under a new Medicare Advantage Plan.
If you are attempting to get coverage through a supplemental health care plan, please see our FAQ on Reimbursement through a Health Insurance Plan.
Will my Health Insurance Plan cover the purchase of an EZ Lite Cruiser?
You may be able to have your health plan provider reimburse you the cost of purchasing our products. We do not bill any health insurance plans directly.
If you need DME in your home, your doctor or treating provider (like a nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or clinical nurse specialist) must prescribe the type of equipment you need by filling out an order. For some equipment, your insurance plan may also require your doctor to provide additional information documenting your medical need for the equipment.
You should always first check with your specific plan benefits. Call your health plan provider member services or check using their website or mobile app, if applicable. We recommend calling to inquire for a definitive answer, and to determine whether a prior authorization is required, and how to best submit the necessary documentation to your health care plan (i.e. their e-mail address, fax or mailing address for where you'll send your documents.)
For your reference, to have on hand when communicating with your health plan provider, here are the HCPCS Code for our products:
EZ Lite Cruiser (any model) - K0012 - "Lightweight portable motorized/power wheelchair"
15 Ah Battery - E2397 - "Pwc acc, lith-based battery"
10 Ah Battery - E2397 - "Pwc acc, lith-based battery"
Regular Charger - E2366 - "Battery charger, single mode"
Speedy Charger - E2366 - "Battery charger, single mode"
Premium or Basic Headrest - E0955 - "Cushioned headrest"
Adjustable Leg Rests - E0990 - "Wheelchair elevating leg res"
Cane Holder - E2207 - "accessory, crutch and cane holder"
Clamp - E2207 - "accessory, crutch and cane holder"
Oxygen Tank Bag - E2208 - "Cylinder tank carrier"
When you confirm with your healh plan provider that they will reimburse (all or part of) your purchase, and you have your doctors or treating providers documents, you can proceed to make your purchase.
Once you've made your purchase, Submit a Request to receive a Medical Reimbursement Invoice, which will have the applicable HCPCS codes listed for your purchase.
Finally, bundle your Invoice along with the treating provider documentation, prior authorization and any other pertinent information, submit them to your health insurance plan via e-mail, fax or postal mail, as instructed by your health insurance plan.
Can I view, download or have a copy of the User Manual mailed to me?
Yes! Each EZ Lite Cruiser model comes with a printed user manual.
To order a printed replacement, please click here.
You can also view digital copies for free here:
Looking for an older revision user manual? Please Contact Us and we'll provide you with a digital copy (free) or printed copy (for a fee) of the original user manual that accompanied your machine. Provide the Lot Number of the device or original purchase information when requesting older user manuals.
Can you mail me a printed product catalog?
As of 2024, in an effort to be more eco-friendly, we no longer print catalogs! All information about our products is available online only.
Service & Maintenance
What kind of maintenance do I need to perform and how often?
Depending on your level of usage, you may occasionally need to replace certain wearable parts.
Common parts that need replacing are Rear Wheels, Front Wheels, Bearings, Arm Rest Pads, Batteries, and Fabric Parts. Replacement Parts are available here.
Having trouble identifying a part for your EZ Lite Cruiser?
See a Parts Diagram of the Deluxe Models
See a Parts Diagram of the Standard Model
If you don't see a part that you need listed, simply Contact Our Technical Support Team and we will source the part for you. If you need further assistance, such as finding a service location in your area, locating instructional videos online, the technicians will also be able to assist you.
I am having trouble with my EZ Lite Cruiser, how can I get help?
Try to resolve the issue with the helpful troubleshooting section of the User Manual.
View the User Manual for Deluxe Models (with 5 Button Joysticks)
View the User Manual for Deluxe Models (with 4 Button Joysticks)
For the Deluxe Models, see page 50 in the user manual for quick troubleshooting tips.
View the User Manual for Standard Models
If your problem is more serious or toy are unable to solve them with the information available in the user manual or our online videos, Please Contact Our Technical Support Team.
Be sure to have your EZ Lite Cruiser ready, along with the battery and charger. We need you to be with the EZ Lite Cruiser when you contact us. Please also have someone available with you to help perform a few diagnostic tests over the phone, if you are unable to perform the diagnostics yourself with us on the phone.
When you are ready, Please Contact Our Technical Support Team.
If necessary, and if you are able to, we can exchange photos or videos by text messaging, or perform a video chat by Skype, Google Hangouts, or Facetime.
I need a replacement part for but not sure what I need, can you help?
Certainly! We're happy to help you identify the parts for your EZ Lite Cruiser.
See a Parts Diagram of the EZ Lite Cruiser Deluxe Models
See a Parts Diagram of the EZ Lite Cruiser Standard Model
If you don't see a part that you need listed, simply Contact Us and we will source the part for you. A quick and easy way to get a response is send us a text message to 760-514-4801 with a picture showing the part you need to replace.
Even if you don't see the part that you need listed on our website, or it isn't identified in the diagrams above, you can use the diagrams as a reference point to guide us to better understand the part that you need.
Do you rent the EZ Lite Cruiser?
Currently we do not have a rental program.
Do you have used or pre-owned units available for sale?
Sometimes! We do occasionally have pre-owned, like new models available at a discount.
Typically these units are in fantastic condition and have only been in service for less than 60 days -- the length of our Money Back Guarantee period. Most returns are used less than a week.
When we receive these units back, we make sure they are in perfect working condition and will resell these as Certified Pre-Owned models.
All Certified Pre-Owned models have the same full warranty as a new device.
As the inventory does change frequently, please Contact Us to see if we have any specific models available. Please specify which model(s) you are interested in. If there are none available at the time of your inquiry, we can put you on a waiting list, which is first come first served.
We do not sell refurbished or older devices.
Do you have representatives that came come to my location to demo the EZ Lite Cruiser?
No, sorry, we do not.
If you are in the Los Angeles area, you can come to our office and demo all of the models:
EZ Lite Cruiser
9225 Alabama Ave, Unit C
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Please call 888-544-6054 to schedule an appointment. Appointment hours may vary but are generally available Monday through Friday from 11am - 3pm.
Where can I go to get a demonstration of the EZ Lite Cruiser?
Unfortunately there is not a place to try or buy them locally, but we do have an amazing returns policy that let's you try any model in your home with little to no risk.
Not sure which model is right for you? Use our Sizing Chart, or our simple 8 question quiz to help you select the model that's right for you based on height, weight and intended use.
Is the EZ Lite Cruiser FDA Cleared?
Yes, the EZ Lite Cruiser is an FDA cleared, motor driven, indoor and outdoor transportation vehicle with the intended use to provide mobility to a disabled or elderly person limited to a seated position.
Where do I find the Serial Number, Lot Number and/or Manufacture Date of the EZ Lite Cruiser?
Standard Models: Produced/Originally Sold in ~Late 2013 to ~Late 2016:
White Sticker on the Right Side Diagonal Frame Member, Near the Motor & Rear Wheel
Standard Moldels - Produced/Originally Sold in Late 2016 to Current :
White Sticker on the Back of the Chair on a Horizontal Frame Member, Near the Folding Bar
Deluxe Models: Produced/Originally Sold in ~Mid 2015 to ~Late 2016
White Sticker on the Right Side Diagonal Frame Member, Near the Motor & Rear Wheel
Deluxe Models: Produced/Originally Sold in ~2017 to Current
White Sticker on the Back of the Chair on a Horizontal Frame Member, Near the Recline Mechanism Clamps.
The Serial Number is also Etched into the underside (bottom) of the Diagonal Frame Member "Side Beam" on the Right Side.
The White Stickers Display The Following Lines:
Style No.:
Lot No.:
Mfg Date:
Where is the EZ Lite Cruiser manufactured?
The EZ Lite Cruiser range of Power Chairs are manufactured in China, and finished here in the United States with certain upgrades and components. We add on optional components, batteries, chargers & accessories specific to your order.
The batteries are manufactured in the United States, out of components sourced in China.
Is it compatible with an EZ LOCK system?
No. Currently, our products are not compatible for use with an EZ LOCK system
Returns & Warranty
What is your return policy?
We offer a 60 Day return policy on the purchase of any EZ Lite Cruiser model.
You can try the EZ Lite Cruiser in your home for 60 days, and if it is not right for you, simply send it back to us for a refund minus a 10% restocking fee.
Shipping & Handling (if paid) is non-refundable. You are responsible for the shipping cost to send your return back to us.
What kind of warranty does the EZ Lite Cruiser come with?
Every EZ Lite Cruiser, both Standard Model and Deluxe Models, come with our Worry Free, Industry Leading Warranty:
10 Years on the Frame
5 Years on the Motors
2 Years on the Battery
2 Years on the Joystick
2 Years on the Control System (CPU)
There is also a 3 month limited warranty on the wearable and fabric parts, such as the front and rear wheels, seat cushion & straps, back cushion & back support straps, arm rests.
How do I file a warranty claim?
In the event that you need to, please Click Here to File a Warranty Claim.
The warranty only covers NON-DELIBERATE Damage. Damage caused by user negligence, accidental damages whether intentional or not are not covered under the warranty. Products which have been subjected to negligence, abuse, improper storage, or handling, improper operation, any modifications, misuse are not covered by the warranty. Any damaged caused by improper usage, or normal wear and tear is not covered, and you should not use the Warranty Claim Form.
If you are not sure whether the warranty applies, please Contact Us for assistance immediately.
Security & Privacy
Is the EZ Lite Cruiser Website Secure?
Yes! Ordering on our website is safe and that is 100% guaranteed. We utilize the same industry standard, state-of-the-art 256 Bit Secure Socket Layer checkout system used by the leading Internet websites. Our back end is powered by Shopify, a publicly traded company, and a global leader in providing eCommerce platforms with credit card processing capabilities.
When you go to the "Checkout" page, you will notice a LOCK icon next to your browser location bar, which indicates that all information transmitted will be encrypted with this 256 Bit Secure Socket Layer technology, making it impossible for unauthorized individuals to access it.

Do you share my name, address, phone number or e-mail with any third parties?
We never share your personal information with any third party, with the exception of shipping companies, as necessary to safely deliver your order.
Read our full Privacy Policy here.